My tasks for the weekend

This is my plan for the coming weekend. In hindsight, I should have done all this over Labor Day weekend, but what do you want me to say – I was busy watching Netflix and eating oreos. This is likely going to be an uber-rough post, so my apologies.

Format / Update

  • Backup computer
    • SQL databases should be backed up separately for easy retrieval…
  • Format
  • Install Lion, upgrade to Mountain Lion (I wish there was a ML thumb drive… Maybe I’ll format, upgrade to Lion, purchase Mountain Lion, roll my own and re-format to keep things super fresh/clean)

Restoration / Rebuilding

  • Restore the bare minimum:
    • Dev Frameworks
    • Standard Apps (ST2, CS6, iTunes, etc.)
  • Install new AMP stack if OS X-default isn’t sufficient
    • I use an NMP stack currently… I’d love to keep using it but all of our client sites run on Apache… Perhaps Apahce on 80 and nginx on 8080.
    • Reminder: Setup music proxy
  • Reinstall Parallels and recreate my VMs (Debian, Ubuntu, Trixbox, Windows via Bootcamp)

Setup Version Control

I’m still thinking about how I want to do this, but what I’ve got so far, and very likely to change…
  1. Most likely git
  2. If possible, mirrored in two locations:
    1. External HDD
    2. My webserver
  3. Again, if possible, it should keep the last 3-5 revisions locally in case I need to revert without access to remote repo.
    1. Somehow this should all sync and not delete older local revisions until synced with the remote repo.
  4. I also want to write a script that will package a site / project when I’m finished… Ideally, it would:
    1. Export all linked databases (I’m fine with providing credentials and db names)
    2. Grab the latest revision
    3. Create a text file with:
      1. the path of the git repo
      2. the command I ran to generate
      3. the date, time, and location (work/home… manual entry)
    4. Tar it all and open a finder window with the file highlighted
I’m not sure if all that is possible because I don’t know nearly enough about git, or applescript / shell scripts, so this will be a good learning experience.

Final Thoughts…

Wish me luck.

One response to “My tasks for the weekend”

  1. The shell script sounds doable, but you’ll have to learn BASH first and that can sometimes be a headache… especially making sure your directories are correct. Ping me if you want some help though.

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